On May 11, 2020 CNN claimed that President Donald Trump made false claims regarding COVID-19 testing. CNN's claim turns out to be false.
The CNN headline read "Fact Check: Trump falsely claims, again, that anybody who wants a test can get one" and was proclaimed "false" by CNN's Daniel Dale, David Wright, Arman Azad and Holmes Lybrand.
Trump states that Monday that "If somebody wants to be tested right now, they'll be able to be tested.".
CNN's Initial Allegation
CNN writers claimed that Trump's claim was false because some jurisdictions have specific requirements to qualify for a test. They said specifically:
"...multiple states still say tests should go to people who meet certain criteria -- such as having symptoms of the virus, having had contact with an infected person or working in a health care facility or in a grocery store."
They continue to outline their premise by stating:
"In addition to official guidelines on who should get a test, some jurisdictions continue to experience shortages of key testing materials -- which may prevent even people with symptoms from being tested."
Listing related articles regarding Washtenaw County and Palo Alto City as references to back up this claim.
Whereas the statements made by CNN to establish their premise is factual, their conclusion is a false claim as is their headline.
Fact Check: False Claim by CNN
CNN's claim is unsubstantiated and outright false. Whereas there are indeed jurisdiction that have requirements for testing and others who are short on tests, by their own reporting, these are limited to "some jurisdictions".
- Fact: Nothing prevents any individual from going to a another county, city, or state for testing.
- Fact: It is entirely possible that a testing facility located in another jurisdiction can be closer to an individual than a facility located in their resident jurisdiction.
- Fact: There is no requirement of residency that restricts COVID-19 tests from non-residents.
- Fact: As CNN also points out, there is plenty of information readily available on who has restrictions and shortages.
- Fact: Health officials recommend those already sick (in cases they are too sick for such a trip) to stay at home under quarantine.
- Fact: President Trump's statement is in fact, accurate and truthful.
CNN then furthers its false claim by adding an additional false claim pointing to the fact that Trump made a similar statement two months prior. All of the aforementioned facts were applicable at that time as well so CNN made two false claims.
This is not misleading or misinformation, this is a deliberate false claim.
Claim: "CNN: Trump falsely claims, again, that anybody who wants a test can get one"
Fact Check Verdict: FALSE CLAIM
Claimant: CNN

Additional Claimants: Daniel Dale, David Wright, Arman Azad and Holmes Lybrand.