Kung Fu, a martial art that underpinned a joke made by President Trump when referring to the COVID-19 as "Kung Flu", originated in China.
Trump has repeatedly call COVID-19 the "Wufu Virus", "China Virus", and recently the "Kung Flu" virus under his position that COVID-19 originated in China, a claim that officials in China have denounced.
Rolling Stones Original Claim
Peter Wade, a writer whose work was published by Rolling Stone containing a claim that read:
Trump’s embarrassing speech on Saturday night in Tulsa hit on all of the familiar themes. Racism, when referring to COVID-19 as “Kung Flu.”
This statement notably insinuates Trump was embarrassed by the content of the speech which would in itself contradict any claim of racism since individuals promoting racism have historically exhibited the exact opposite behavior.
Nothing in the claim refers to a race of human beings and the predominant understanding is that Trump is referring to the People's Republic of China, a country, and its government which is run by the Communist Party.
This was the only example offered by Peter Wade in support of his opinion and contrarily, the statement made by Peter Wade appears more implicit of racism since the opinion is that "Kung Flu" derogatorily describes a specific race of people.
He does not indicate which race of people he is referring to of the country whose minority residents represent every race and its Asian majority represent 56 different ethnic groups.
China is a country, China is not a race.
The statement made by Trump refers to a geographical location, a country, and a nationality of which notably, has residents of all races.
It does not refer to a race of people.
As such, Rolling Stone and writer Peter Wade, made a false claim by stating "Kung Flu" was racism.
This is a deliberate false claim.
Claim: "Rolling Stone: Racism, when referring to COVID-19 as “Kung Flu.”
Fact Check Verdict: FALSE CLAIM
Claimant: Rolling Stone
Additional Claimants: Peter Wade.