CNN has written several articles and aired hours of programming pushing and promoting a term called "The Big Lie". This came almost immediately after the 2020 election when CNN published an article titled "Trump falsely claims ‘millions of people who voted illegally’ cost him popular vote" followed by countless others such as the "The 5 key elements of Trump's Big Lie and how it came to be" seven months later.
They are still talking about it and publishing works and programming pushing the term, however, this is disingenuous on CNN's part, and designed by their own selective programming.
The CNN Claim
In the latter article, the author claims these points are a "The Big Lie" ("TBL").
- The election was stolen because it's not possible Trump didn't win.
- There was a massive technological conspiracy to rig the election.
- Theories and wild claims pushed on the internet find their way into lawsuits and are then pushed by Trump.
- Investigators are biased, too.
- Trump supporters questioning the results are just being good citizens
- The election was stolen because it's not possible Trump didn't win.
- This was not an argument of Trumps
- There was a massive technological conspiracy to rig the election.
- This was also not an argument of Trumps, this came from an unaffiliated attorney (Powell).
- Theories and wild claims pushed on the internet find their way into lawsuits and are then pushed by Trump.
- This is not a Trump lie, this is a Trump repeating the same stories CNN kept reporting as well, although in CNN's case they made every attempt to debunk them claiming success in many cases where they were not successful.
- Notably, CNN and other media appeared to exclusively report on only the more obvious falsehoods in support of their "unfounded claims" narrative while completely ignoring claims with any validity.
- For example, here's just a few arrests in Texas alone (2020/2021):
- Raquel Rodriguez - Election fraud, illegal voting, unlawfully assisting people voting by mail and unlawfully possessing an official ballot.
- Hervis Rogers - Illegally voting.
- Kelly Reagan Brunner - 134 counts of voter fraud.
- Dana DeBeauvoir - Criminal Trespassing
- Tomas Ramirez - Election fraud, assisting voter voting ballot by mail, unlawful possession of a ballot or ballot envelope.
- Leonor Rivas Garza - Election Fraud
- Eva Ann Martinez - Election Fraud
- Mary Balderrama - Election Fraud
- Monica Rene Mendez - Illegal voting, Unlawful voter assistance, Returning marked ballots without consent, and Election fraud
- The following were indicted for Engaging in Organized Election Fraud, Fraudulent Use of Mail Ballot Application, Unlawful Possession of Ballot/Ballot Envelope, Election Fraud, and Tampering With a Governmental Record.
- Shannon Brown - 23 felony counts.
- Marlena Jackson - 97 felony counts.
- Charlie Burns - 8 felony counts
- DeWayne Ward - 6 felony counts.
- All of the above are all for voter fraud CNN claims does not exist in the United States, yet not one single word mentioned by CNN.
- In contrast, there are over 80 articles with Mike Lindell (My Pillow CEO), many with claims whose credibility were blatantly obvious.
- There are several reports regarding Sydney Powell who made several accusations in regards to voting machines that were far-fetched in many opinions.
- Investigators are biased, too.
- This argument is irrelevant given the fact that it is referring to an investigation into Jan. 6th which has absolutely nothing to do with the election and took place well after Trump had conceded.
- Trump supporters questioning the results are just being good citizens
- This is equally as irrelevant and also referring to the Jan 6th attack which again, has nothing to do with the election and what CNN called the "Big Lie" initially.
Note: fully agrees that Joe Biden won the election according to the legal process, this article is not an argument otherwise. As stated, only the Supreme Court can rule on non-legislative rulings and that has not happened. Until it does, Biden lawfully won the election.
"The right to vote is protected in more than the initial allocation of the franchise. Equal protection applies as well to the manner of its exercise. Having once granted the right to vote on equal terms, the State may not, by later arbitrary and disparate treatment, value one person's vote over that See, e. g., Harper v. Virginia Bd. of Elections, 383 U. S. 663, 665 (1966)" - 531 U. S. 98 (2000)
there are a few exceptional cases in which the Constitution imposes a duty or confers a power on a particular branch of a State's government. This is one of them. Article II, § 1, cl. 2, provides that "[e]ach State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct," electors for President and Vice President. (Emphasis added.).. In McPherson v. Blacker, 146 U. S. 1 (1892), we explained that Art. II, § 1, cl. 2, "convey[s] the broadest power of determination" and "leaves it to the legislature exclusively to define the method" of appointment. 146 U. S., at 27. A significant departure from the legislative scheme for appointing Presidential electors presents a federal constitutional question." -REHNQUIST, C. J.
Non-legislative actors’ purported amendments to States’ duly enacted election laws, in violation of the Electors Clause’s vesting State legislatures with plenary authority regarding the appointment of presidential electors.
However, the court declined the complaint due to a lack of standing. This was the accurate decision since Texas claimed the state itself was injured, which was all it could do, and what it needed to due was show injury to its citizens, which at the time, were indiscernible.
Despite this, the premise of the case itself was indeed viable and credible. However, without injury, there is no way for the Supreme Court to rule due to the lack of standing.
Again, this is a valid claim and one that only the Supreme Court to rule on and this is evidenced by the non-legislative rulings filed in several states and part of public record which alone, debunks the "no evidence" claim that continues to circulate as well as any claims of "non election fraud: since no court, corporation, individual, or legal entity can make this legal decision other than the Supreme Court of the United States.
What Donald Trump Actually Said
Donald Trump: (34:06)
In every single swing state, local officials, state officials, almost all Democrats made illegal and unconstitutional changes to election procedures without the mandated approvals by the state legislatures, that these changes paved the way for fraud on a scale never seen before. And I think we'd go a long way outside of our country when I say that.
Donald Trump: (34:34)
So just in a nutshell, you can't make a change on voting for a federal election unless the state legislature approves it. No judge can do it. Nobody can do it, only a legislature. So as an example in Pennsylvania or whatever, you have a Republican legislature, you have a Democrat mayor, and you have a lot of Democrats all over the place. They go to the legislature, the legislature laughs at them. Says, "We're not going to do that." They say, "Thank you very much." And they go and make the changes themselves. They do it anyway. And that's totally illegal. That's totally illegal. You can't do that.
He then goes on to list occurrences and situations of relevance such as:
In Pennsylvania, the Democrat Secretary of State and the Democrat State Supreme Court justices illegally abolished the signature verification requirements just 11 days prior to the election.
In addition he listed some discrepancies as he understood them, however, the aforementioned premise was and always has been his key complaint.
True, Trump did share other claims, some of which have been found to be inaccurate or exaggerated, however, this was not, nor was it ever, his primary complaint.
CNN is not the Supreme Court. CNN does not determine was is or is not Constitutional. This is a Constitutional complaint of which only the Supreme Court can decide on.
CNN and Media Omission
- Unfounded claims
- There's no evidence of fraud
- There's no evidence of voter fraud
- There's no evidence of widespread voter fraud
- There's no evidence of systematic widespread voter fraud
- The Big Lie
Note: does not claim in any way that Trump won the election, nor that the election was stolen, and fully agree that Joe Biden is President legally since there is no Supreme Court ruling o Trumps complaint. We are merely presenting the facts.
While some of this is opinion (applicable paragraphs noted), we only suspect CNN purposely manufactured this story, the fact of the false claims remain and there are 8 of them total.
