CNN published a fact check titled "Fact check: Trump delivers wildly dishonest speech at CPAC" which went so far as to call the former Presidents CPAC speech a "doozy" and one of his "most dishonest speeches".
Trump delivered the speech at the annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) on Saturday, March 4tth, which was subsequently met with the accusations of falsehoods by CNN.
The National Guard and Minnesota
CNN: Facts First: This is a reversal of reality. Minnesota’s Democratic governor, Tim Walz, not Trump, was the one who deployed the Minnesota National Guard during the 2020 unrest; Walz first activated the Guard more than seven hours before Trump publicly threatened to deploy the Guard himself. Walz’s office told CNN in 2020 that the governor activated the Guard in response to requests from officials in Minneapolis and St. Paul – cities also run by Democrats.
CNN claims this is a reverse of reality, however, they completely omit what Trump is referring to and instead, they example a another Tweet that Trump sent which is irrelevant to the statement.
It is NOT the threat to call in the national guard that Trump is insinuating "saved Minneapolis", rather it's the actions outlined in the later Tweet that he is referring to. Those actions included a phone call with Walz and the threat to "take over" if there is any difficulty.
....These THUGS are dishonoring the memory of George Floyd, and I won’t let that happen. Just spoke to Governor Tim Walz and told him that the Military is with him all the way. Any difficulty and we will assume control but, when the looting starts, the shooting starts. Thank you!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 29, 2020
This is what Trump is claiming helped "save" the city. The "threat" Tweet CNN is referring to is irrelevant, never mentioned, and has nothing to do with what Trump said in his speech.
This is a blatant false claim by CNN.
Trump’s Executive Order on Monuments
CNN: Facts First: Trump’s claim is false. He did not create a mandatory 10-year sentence for people who damage monuments. In fact, his 2020 executive order did not mandate any increase in sentences.
Moreover, although irrelevant to this claim, CNN is also dead wrong on federal judges not being "forced" to give specific sentences. Unlike jurisdictional law where judges have the freedom to decide on punishments at their discretion, federal judges are required to sentence within specific guideline ranges that are administered by the United States Sentencing Commission under the Comprehensive Crime Control Act of 1984. They are only allowed to depart from these guidelines under certain conditions in atypical cases.
Vandalism in Portland
CNN claims Trump was "wildly dishonest" for saying “How’s Portland doing? They don’t even have storefronts anymore. Everything’s two-by-four’s because they get burned down every week.”CNN: Facts First: This is a major exaggeration. Portland obviously still has hundreds of active storefronts, though it has struggled with downtown commercial vacancies for various reasons, and some businesses are sometimes vandalized by protesters. Trump has for years exaggerated the extent of property damage from protest vandalism in Portland.
While it is an accurate statement to say the description Trump gave was exaggerated, as most jokes are, it is a blatant false claim for CNN to insinuate that Trump offered it as "truth". That is simply and obviously false.
NATO Funding
Trumps metaphoric statement - “And I told delinquent foreign nations – they were delinquent, they weren’t paying their bills – that if they wanted our protection, they had to pay up, and they had to pay up now.” - was again taken literally by CNN as it was multiple times when Trump told variations of the story while in office.
This is a ridiculous false claim.
However, most of the 1.3 billion budget was allocated in 1999, with the cost of inflation adjusted, the 2023 adjustment would be $2,334,459.78 and that number doesn't include the land value. $3 billion is not as exaggerated as CNN has suggested and may not be exaggerated at all if land value is factored in.
Nord Stream 2
CNN: Facts First: This is standard Trump hyperbole; it’s just not true that “nobody” had heard of Nord Stream 2 before he began discussing it. Nord Stream 2 was a regular subject of media, government and diplomatic discussion before Trump took office. In fact, Biden publicly criticized it as vice president in 2016. Trump may well have generated increased US awareness to the controversial project, but “nobody ever heard of Nord Stream 2 until I came along” isn’t true.
The expression "nobody had ever heard of it" is like "everybody has a cell phone these days". It's an expression that is not meant to be taken literally.
That said, CNN is being disingenuous. The truth is that Nord Stream 2 was not a regular subject of the media at all. A quick search of news outlets archives shows only 40 mentions of it from 2009 to 2017 when Trump took office. Compare that to the "MyPillow" guy whose had nearly 6,000 mentions for roughly the same length of time from 2017 to 2022.
Trump and Nord Stream 2
Once again, CNN takes a literal interpretation of a metaphoric Trump statement in that Trump "killed" the project and claims he didn't kill it. This is one of CNN's famous self-incriminating fact checks where they prove themselves wrong.
CNN: While he did approve sanctions on companies working on the project, that move came nearly three years into his presidency, when the pipeline was already around an estimated 90% complete – and the state-owned Russian gas company behind the project said shortly after the sanctions that it would complete the pipeline itself. The company announced in December 2020 that construction was resuming. And with days left in Trump’s term in January 2021, Germany announced that it had renewed permission for construction in its waters.
The pipeline never began operations; Germany ended up halting the project as Russia was about to invade Ukraine early last year. The pipeline was damaged later in the year in what has been described as an act of sabotage.
CNN claims Trump did not kill the project, then explains how Trump killed the project. The former being an obvious false claim they prove themselves.
Biden and a Ukrainian Prosecutor
CNN: Facts First: This is baseless. There has never been any evidence that Hunter Biden was under investigation by the prosecutor, Viktor Shokin, who had been widely faulted by Ukrainian anti-corruption activists and European countries for failing to investigate corruption. A former Ukrainian deputy prosecutor and a top anti-corruption activist have both said the Burisma-related investigation was dormant at the time Joe Biden pressured Ukraine to fire Shokin.
Trump said Biden held back a billion dollars until they fired a prosecutor who was "after hunter" and a company that was paying him. He did not say the investigation was of any particular status as offered by CNN for no reason at all.
As far as there "never" being any evidence. John Solomon reported for The Hill that the general prosecutor’s official file for the Burisma probe shows prosecutors identified Hunter Biden, business partner Devon Archer, and their firm, Rosemont Seneca, as potential recipients of money and that Viktor Shokin said that before he was fired as general prosecutor, he had made "specific plans" for the investigation that "included interrogations and other crime-investigation procedures into all members of the executive board, including Hunter Biden."
This is among several pieces of evidence that contradict CNN's claim. This evidence is also documented with the House of Representatives in their ongoing investigation into the matter.
This is a false claim by CNN.
Democrats and elections
CNN claims Trump is lying when he says Democrats are only good at “disinformation” and “cheating on elections.”CNN: Facts First: This is nonsense. There is just no basis for a broad claim that Democrats are election cheaters. Election fraud and voter fraud are exceedingly rare in US elections, though such crimes are occasionally committed by officials and supporters of both parties.
First, this is a relative opinion stated by Trump and as such, it is impossible to state that it is or isn't true or not because it is relative. Secondly, Trump said that this is what Democrats were "good" at, which again, is relative opinion, but CNN argues that there is no evidence that Democrats are cheaters and then state that both parties are cheaters. The point is that Trump merely said that they were "good" at it.
Regardless, a relative opinion is an opinion and one which asserts a relative condition which cannot be argued because it's relative. One may think Democrats are excellent cheaters while a habitual cheater may consider Democrats to be terrible at it. It's relative..
The Border Wall
CNN: Facts First: It’s not true that Trump “completed” the border wall. According to an official “Border Wall Status” report written by US Customs and Border Protection two days after Trump left office, about 458 miles of wall had been completed under Trump – but about 280 more miles that had been identified for wall construction had not been completed.
As CNN previously states, Trump said "several hundred miles" of border wall. His campaign promise was to build a wall with no definition of the entirety or length in miles that would constitute a completion other than "a wall". He did in fact build several walls equating to several hundred miles as he said.
This is a false claim that CNN evidenced by CNN's own words.
Crime and Civil Unrest
CNN and Daniel Dale offered an excerpt from Trump's speech where Trump said the words "killings are taking place at a number like nobody’s ever seen, right in Manhattan".
CNN goes back over 30 years in history to find a year where more murders occurred despite the lack of clarification of what "killings" encapsulated, they just assumed murder is the only statistic falls under the category.
CNN: Facts First: It isn’t even close to true that Manhattan is experiencing a number of killings that nobody has ever seen. The region classified by the New York Police Department as Manhattan North had 43 reported murders in 2022; that region had 379 reported murders in 1990 and 306 murders in 1993. The Manhattan South region had 35 reported murders in 2022 versus 124 reported murders in 1990 and 86 murders in 1993. New York City as a whole is also nowhere near record homicide levels; the city had 438 reported murders in 2022 versus 2,262 in 1990 and 1,927 in 1993.
Manhattan North had just eight reported murders this year through February 19, while Manhattan South had one. The city as a whole had 49 reported murders.
According to their statistic more murders occurred in 1990 than in recent years. Which is correct. However, if you just look at modern history over the past decade and a half, Trump is correct, murder is at a decade's long high and on pace to exceed 2022 in 2023.
Moreover, nobody said anything about murder being the exclusive definition of "killings".
CNN does not take into consideration suicide, for which there were 131 and 126 in New York county in 2020 and 2021 respectively. They do not take into account COVID-19 which killed 20,330, 9879, and 6738 in 2020, 2021, and 2022 respectively. When those addition numbers are considered, recent years are astronomically higher than in the past.
Trump did not say anything was record-breaking as implied by CNN and the expression "like nobody's ever seen" is a common term of emphasis like saying "everybody has a cell phone" which doesn't really mean that no other human is without a cell phone. Here is exactly what Trump said in full context.
Trump: The racist Manhattan district attorney Alvin Bragg, who is presiding over one of the most dangerous and violent cities in the United States, you have to see this, the United States where killings are taking place at a number like nobody's ever seen right in Manhattan and he's doing nothing about it, nothing whatsoever. No cash bail for people that just kill people, knife them in the back, hit him over the head with a baseball bat, push him into Subways when the train is right there.
If the literal definition of "like nobody's seen" is used and timeframe is spanned over 30 years, CNN is technically accurate on the data. Technically, Manhattan has never seen an annual aggregate of 78 murders, the closes would be in 2003 with 79, so from a technical and literal perspective, Trump was accurate as well.
Regardless, we'll call this a draw and let it slide.
CNN claims Trump was wildly dishonest during his CPAC speech, but it is CNN who appears to be "wildly dishonest" in the false fact checks they make equally 50% or more of the total checks in the article. The final totals were 9 false claims, and 1 accurate claim checked. Additionally they made 3 other accurate claims not listed. There were 7 claims that were questionable, however, could not be checked due to time constraints.

- CNN Article
- New York Post Article on Hunter Biden
- The Hill Article on Viktor Shokin and Hunter Biden
- Trump Executive Order
- Trump Speech
- CDC Wonder (Causes of Death)
- NYC Suicide Report
- US Customs and Border Protection - Border Wall Completion
- "Nord Strom 2" Publications 2009 - 2017
- "MyPillow" Publications 2020-2023
- Comprehensive Crime Control Act of 1984
- United States Sentencing Commission
- Imposition of a Sentence 18 U.S.C. § 3553(b)
- Image Credit - ABC News/Alex Wong/Getty Images